Miscellaneous Task Definitions

Timed task registration

To register a task as a 'timed' task, contribute to the net.sourceforge.basher.TimedTasks configuration point (in your Gaderian module.xml file). Here, the interval specifies the number of seconds between executing the task.

<service-point id="HelloWorldTask" interface="net.sourceforge.basher.Task">
  Example Hello World Task for demonstration purposes.
  <create-instance class="net.sourceforge.basher.tasks.HelloWorldTask"/>

<contribution configuration-id="net.sourceforge.basher.TimedTasks">
  <timed-task service="service:HelloWorldTask" interval="10"/>

Using annotations


Using plain classes


Defining followers to a task

To provide a task with a set of followers, the contribution made to the net.sourceforge.basher.TaskContributions configuration point should include the following:

<service-point id="HelloWorldTask" interface="net.sourceforge.basher.Task">
  Example Hello World Task for demonstration purposes.
  <create-instance class="net.sourceforge.basher.tasks.HelloWorldTask"/>

<service-point id="HelloWorldTask2" interface="net.sourceforge.basher.Task">
  Example Hello World Task for demonstration purposes.
  <create-instance class="net.sourceforge.basher.tasks.HelloWorldTask"/>

<contribution configuration-id="net.sourceforge.basher.TaskContributions">
  Contributes the hello world task which in turn registers it with the task manager.
  <task service="service:HelloWorldTask">
    <!-- Defines the follower for the HelloWorldTask -->
    <follower service="service:HelloWorldTask2"/>


<contribution configuration-id="net.sourceforge.basher.TaskContributions">
    <!-- Contributes a POJO task task, defined as a simple bean.  The -->
    <!-- name of the bean is PlainClassTask -->
    <task-contribution task="service:HelloWorldTask">
      <configuration max-invocations="10" task-name="PlainClassTask""/>
        <phase name="SETUP"/>
        <phase name="RUN"/>


Note: that the HelloWorldTask is not registered directly with the task manager as a separately running task.

Using annotations


Using plain classes